Hill Feeds

Salibaba Pellets Co Ltd, Hill Animal Feeds & Agrovet Supplies Ltd

The company’s main activity is to manufacture “Pellet Animal Feeds” based on the ratios and formula which has been researched by the company.

  • Hill Pellet Broiler Feeds
  • Hill Layers Feeds
  • Pig feeds
  • Dairy feeds
The Company's principle activity is to manufacture animal feeds based on its own mixing ratios and formula which has been clearly researched by the company. In addition, the company has customized options where customers have preference of placing orders of the products based on their own mixing ratios which meet their needs and requirements.

Hill Pellet Broiler Feeds:

Three types of Hill Pellet Broiler Feeds produced and distributed by the company in the market. They include:

  1. Hill Pellet Broiler Feeds-Starter,
  2. Hill Pellet Broiler Feeds-Grower,
  3. Hill Pellet Broiler Feeds-Finisher,

Products Brand Name

All animal feeds produced and distributed by Hill Animal Feeds collectively carry company`s brand name known as "Hill".

Hill Animal Feeds
& Agrovet Supplies Ltd

Hill Animal Feeds came from humble beginning when the owners of the company started the business by buying animal feeds in bulk and sell the same in the form of retailer. Despite of business facing a lot of constraints, the promoters managed to stay the course by sticking to their mission and the rest has been the success story.

The company opened its first manufacturing plant at Mwenge in 2006 and currently has manufacturing ability of producing 30MT per day. Animal feeds products being the products of high demand; the company was forced to open a subsidiary plant at Boko Area in 2007 and currently has capacity of producing 35MT per day.

Hill Animal Feeds serves two types of market segments; retailers and wholesalers. The company started serving the Dar es Salaam market and current has expanded its distribution horizons to Morogoro, Tanga, Dodoma, Zanzibar, and Mtwara. It is the goal of the company to keep expanding to other parts of Tanzania.

Lets get in touch
+255 658 444 616